ORA-39014: One or more workers have prematurely exited. ORA-39029: worker 2 with process name "DW01" prematurely terminated ORA-31671: Worker process DW01 had an unhandled exception. ORA-39079: unable to enqueue message DG,KUPC$C_2_20161117180443,KUPC$A_2_194724682440000,MCP,139564,Y ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 86 ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPC$QUE_INT", line 969 ORA-23603: Streams enqueue aborted due to low SGA ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPW$WORKER", line 1887 ORA-06512: at line 2 Job "LTBAK"."SYS_EXPORT_FULL_01" stopped due to fatal error at Fri Nov 18 07:27:19 2016 elapsed 0 13:22:31 |
Fri Nov 18 07:25:40 2016 DW00 terminating with fatal err=39079, pid=117, wid=1, job LTBAK.SYS_EXPORT_FULL_01 Fri Nov 18 07:26:16 2016 DW06 started with pid=56, OS id=13383, wid=3, job LTBAK.SYS_EXPORT_FULL_01 Fri Nov 18 07:27:00 2016 DW01 terminating with fatal err=39079, pid=52, wid=2, job LTBAK.SYS_EXPORT_FULL_01 |
[oracle@node2 ~]$ oerr ora 39079 39079, 00000, "unable to enqueue message %s" // *Cause: The Data Pump's communication layer was unable to send the // specified message on the control or status queue. Subsequent // messages will detail the problem. // *Action: Fix the problem if possible, or contact Oracle Customer Support. |
SYMPTOMS DataPump fails with errorstack similar to the following: ORA-39014: One or more workers have prematurely exited. ORA-39029: worker 1 with process name "DW01" prematurely terminatedORA-31671: Worker process DW01 had an unhandled exception.ORA-39079: unable to enqueue message DG,KUPC$C_1_20071030223003,KUPC$A_1_20071030223013,MCP,8473,YORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPW$WORKER", line 1342ORA-06512: at line 2Job "SYS"."SYS_EXPORT_FULL_01" stopped due to fatal error at 00:44:51ORA-39014: One or more workers have prematurely exited.CAUSEThe important errors here are the ORA-39014 and ORA-39079. The DataPump utility uses Streams in the background and if the Streams memory pool is not large enough, it can result in this error stack. Use a queries below to investigate memory usage and settingscol bytes format 999,999,999,999 select * from v$sgastat where pool='streams pool';select * from v$sgainfo;If using auto-tuning in the SGA, you may find the memory manager is having difficulty moving memory to satisfy memory needs in the Streams Pool. set lines 200 col component format a20col initial_size format 999,999,999,999col finish_size format 999,999,999,999col target_size format 999,999,999,999select to_char(end_time, 'dd-MON-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') end_time, component, initial_size, target_size, final_size, status from v$sga_resize_ops order by end_time;Look for STATUS showing up as ERROR or DEFERRED. This can mean that SGA_TARGET is too small to meet all SGA memory needs. This can also indicate that minimum sizes (explicit settings) are not included in the spfile, so under stress the auto-tuner could get too aggressive moving memory inside the SGA. SOLUTION Increase the memory allocated in the streams_pool_size to resolve this issue. If using auto-tuning a higher value for streams_pool_size will act a higher minimum value and keep the memory tuner from shrinking the Streams Pool too small for workload. |
DataPump export on one certain RAC instance fails with errors: ORA-39006: internal errorORA-39065: unexpected master process exception in DISPATCHORA-39079: unable to enqueue message DG,KUPC$S_2_20090927001645,MCP, ,1,YORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 86ORA-06512: at "SYS.KUPC$QUE_INT", line 924ORA-25306: Cannot connect to buffered queue's owner instanceThe AQ_TM_PROCESSES instance parameter has been set to 0Advanced Queueing is required by Datapump. As such the AQ_TM_PROCESSES parameter must have a value > 0 for EXPDP to succeed. |
1:解决ORA-39095报错,出现该报错的原因一般分为两种情况。 第一种情况是因为在expdp的时候给才转储空间太小,数据无法写入转储文件内,所以报错,这种报错很好解决,只需要进入交互模式下,可以用add_file来增加转储文件,然后restart该job即可。 第二种情况则是因为设置参数parallel大于转储文件数目引起的,官方文档的解释是parallel io server processes写文件不能同时写一个,如果只有一个dumpfile(或少于parallel)就会影响性能。不但如此,当一个io server process在等待从而不能写dumpfile的时候就会报ORA-39095 解决该问题一共两种办法 1:进入到交互模式,减少parallel的数量,使其等于dmp文件的数量或增加dmp文件,使其与parallel数量相等。 2:在写导出语句的时候指定dumpfile中使用变量 %u(大小写均可),让其自由分配转储文件即可。 2:解决ORA-39097报错 该报错我并没有查找到根本的原因,去metalink上看到有解决办法,则是加大streams_pool_size即可,导出恢复正常 alter system set streams_pool_size = 48M; |
EXPDP/IMPDP进行Oracle数据迁移从高版本(11g)到底版本(10g)步骤 Oralce数据导入 可能产生的错误 ORA-39095: Dump file space has been exhausted: Unable to allocate 8192 bytes Job "SYSTEM"."SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01" stopped due to fatal error at 13:34:40expdp时parallel不当也会引起ORA-39095 2008-09-24 15:01在expdp做导出的时候会有碰到ora-39095的错误,引起这个错误的原因有两种。一一说来 先看官方的解释:ORA-39095: Dump file space has been exhausted: Unable to allocate string bytesCause: The Export job ran out of dump file space before the job was completed.Action: Reattach to the job and add additional dump files to the job restarting the job.从字面意思就解释了第一种原因,那就是:空间不够了。解决方法也简单,多来点空间。还有第二中原因:当使用了PARALLEL但是dumpfile却只有一个或小于parallel数,下面是官方的说明:Oracle? Database Utilities 10g Release 2 (10.2)2 Data Pump ExportPARALLEL=integerThe value you specify for integer should be less than, or equal to, the number of files in the dump file set (or you should specify substitution variables in the dump file specifications).Because each active worker process or I/O server process writes exclusively to one file at a time, an insufficient number of files can have adverse effects. Some of the worker processes will be idle while waiting for files, thereby degrading the overall performance of the job.(第一个原因是影响性能)More importantly, if any member of a cooperating group of parallel I/O server processes cannot obtain a file for output, then the export operation will be stopped with an ORA-39095 error. (ora-39095的成因)Both situations can be corrected by attaching to the job using the Data Pump Export utility, adding more files using the ADD_FILE command while in interactive mode, and in the case of a stopped job, restarting the job.说白话点就是:parallel io server processes写文件不能同时写一个,如果只有一个dumpfile(或少于parallel)就会影响性能。不但如此,当一个io server process在等待从而不能写dumpfile的时候就会报ora-39095要解决:expdp ATTACH 连上作业然后减少parallel或者增加dumpfile从起源解决的话就是:指定parallel的时候就要指定至少同样多的dumpfile或者使用类似下面的命令(注意红字):expdp hr/hr DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 LOGFILE=parallel_export.log JOB_NAME=par4_job DUMPFILE=par_exp%u.dmp PARALLEL=4 |
SQL> show parameter sga NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------ lock_sga boolean FALSE pre_page_sga boolean FALSE sga_max_size big integer 3008M sga_target big integer 3008M SQL> show parameter pga NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------ pga_aggregate_target big integer 998M SQL> show parameter stream NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------ streams_pool_size big integer 0 SQL> show parameter aq NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------ aq_tm_processes integer 1 |
SQL> create pfile='/u01/app/oracle/admin/ltdb/pfile/pfile161118.ora' from spfile; File created. SQL> alter system set aq_tm_processes=10 scope=both sid='*'; System altered. SQL> alter system set streams_pool_size=48m scope=spfile sid='*'; System altered. |
SQL> show parameter sga NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------ lock_sga boolean FALSE pre_page_sga boolean FALSE sga_max_size big integer 3008M sga_target big integer 3008M SQL> show parameter pga NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------ pga_aggregate_target big integer 998M SQL> show parameter aq NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------ aq_tm_processes integer 10 SQL> show parameter streams NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------ streams_pool_size big integer 48M |